【同义词辨析】 2018-07-25 嘈杂din-clamor

din: suggests prolonged and deafening clangor or insistent earsplitting metallic sounds: the ~ of a machine shop. (clangor铿锵: a loud, resonant noise巨大低沉噪音,多指金属或钝器碰撞,如he could hear the clang of distant bells他可以听到远钟的铿锵作响) machine shop机械或修理厂

uproar: suggests tumults or wild disorder or often the sound of a multitude noisily or riotously protesting, arguing or defying: remarks that threw the crowd into an ~.  (multitude人群或群众: He preached to the assembled multitude他向聚集的人群布道)

pandemonium: suggests the tumultuous din produced when a crowd or group becomes uncontrollably boisterous: ~ erupted as soon as the teacher left the room. (boisterous由于情绪高亢宣泄而大声,如a boisterous crowd of partygoers一群喧闹聚会的人,2018-07-03 吵闹vociferous-obstreperous中介绍)

hullabaloo: suggests great excitement, stormy protest, and an interruption of peace and quiet RATHER than vociferous turmoil: resubmitted his proposal after the ~ died down.

babel: stresses the confusing and seemingly meaningless mass of sound that results from a mingling of languages and vocal qualities: the incomprehensible ~ of everyone talking at once.  (圣经故事,得知世人想造通天的巴别塔the tower of Babel后,上帝使他们无法理解彼此语言而失败)  (at once这里不是立即是同时)

hubbub: denotes the confusing mixtures of sounds characteristic of the incessant movement of activities and business: the ~ of city streets.

clamor,racket: stress the psychological effect of a combination of sounds or any excessively noisy scene and implies annoyance and disturbance: the ~ of pigs demanding food; impossible to hear oneself think amid the ~.   (annoy烦躁: 让人不高兴的东西好像在磨人的神经to wear on the nerves by unpleasantness,如his constant complaining annoys us他总是抱怨让人烦躁)

din铿锵 指震耳刺耳金属碰撞声(deafen震耳欲聋earsplit刺耳),uproar吵闹: 人群抗议争论抗命的噪音,躁动混乱(tumult躁动riot骚乱),pandemonium喧闹: 由于人们情绪高亢宣泄产生噪音(pan希腊词根表示all全部,demon魔鬼,字面意思全是魔鬼的地方),hullabaloo喧哗: 表示激动议论不平静,但不是大吵大闹的骚乱(vociferous turmoil混乱动乱),babel杂乱: 同时有多人说多种语言让人听不懂,hubbub喧嚣: 不停走动做买卖的混杂声,clamor,rachet吵闹: 强调嘈杂或过度噪音对人心理的影响,如干扰烦躁

记忆方法: 1)首字母DUPHBHCR中CR想成吵嚷HBH好不好DUP是第54个词根表示two双倍双倍吵嚷好不好<==嘈杂

         2)嘈杂的意思是大量杂乱声音mean a disturbing or confusing welter of sounds or a situation marked by such a welter.  (welter大量杂乱: a large and confusing amount of something,如a welter of information大量杂乱信息)